Didier and Jose

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What gave you the inspiration to write and direct this story?

My codirector Didier Blandin told me that the first script is always about something that affected you strongly. In my case, I had a depression that get lost my motivation and my will to do new things or meet people. I really think that in some cases the depression is a signal given by your brain and body when there is a big difference between what you want and what you really are. In my case, I discovered that I was chasing objectives that were not making me happy and meeting some people that did not like me. Then I started to search positive and caring people because these people are giving you the love that you need to grow, as a flower need sun and water to grow. All these feelings are in the film.

What are the main forces of your film Cavalleria Musical?

The film Cavalleria Musical is a work done together by some friends, has a captivating history, a lot of emotions, vibrant music done by brilliant musicians and some high acting performances of a subject of actuality, the depression and how to overcome it. Of course, the image and sound are impressive. You will perceive all that watching the film. And I decided not to be humble answering this question because I am still admired of the work that these people did.

Instagram Jose Luis Lazaro-Alierta : https://www.instagram.com/josalierta/

Instagram Didier Blandin : https://www.instagram.com/blandindidier1/

Instagram Cavalleria Musical https://www.instagram.com/cavalleriamusical/