About Us

Europe Film Festival UK will not be held until further notice due to the recent earthquake in southeast Turkey and northwest Syria, which has devastated our organization. We are open to offers from those who wish to continue our legacy. 



Europe Film Festival UK has started in early 2020 pandemic time as a filmmaker community-led online film competition. Powered by independent creators, run for independent creators, the initiative became a hub of  filmmakers joining forces to add visibility to its winners.

Post pandemic, PAN Productions in collaboration with Local Film Awards (LFA) we are now taking steps with a focus on having stronger local presence.

Our transition in 2023…

Keeping our nomadic spirit, we are in contact with several local cinema clubs and community centres to cooperate in expanding their scope towards new independent productions. With our unique model, we are offering them selected independent short films, engaging film-loving community groups, sourcing their screenings with award-winning independent productions, and cross-promote their events in pursuit to be a role model in creating synergy with local communities and increasing visibility of independent filmmaking.

To realise this vision, PAN Productions has entered into a business partnership with below partners to run the first round in 2023 in London:

Coordination: Local Film Awards (LFA)
Community Engagement: Babel Film Club
Venue Partners: Babel Art House + Fieldseat Kit@pEvi 

How we work?
With LFA guidance, we follow below principles.

We “organ” ise..

Powered by a production company, supported by an academic advisory to lead our our jury, we partner with local Cinema Clubs for community engagement and Local Venues and with Event Partners to bring glory to our awards celebrations.. Design and Comms Team, integral to our operations, is tasked to maximise our online presence. All this is held together by the project coordinator. We plan and execute..

We are forecasting two 6 month periods per year. The Jury initiates each season with a kick off meeting. The local Cinema Club communicates the upcoming screenings. The Awards Team is tasked to deliver the final ceremony.

We “share”…
We support our rating and evaluation with half of our budget and use the rest to add the exposure of our applicants and engage their experience with our design, communications, marketing, community engagement and legal engagements. We work in partnership with venues for maximum efficiency.


All shortlisted productions will benefit from offline screening in collaboration with local Cinema Clubs expanding their scope to independent filmmakers.

Going forward, we aim to scale up engaging additional partnerships with wider local film screening events.